Free Mindfulness Body Scan audio download!


A mindfulness-based body scan is a guided meditation practice in which you focus your attention on each part of your body in a systematic manner, from the toes to the crown of the head.


The benefits of this for sleep include:

  • Increased relaxation: The body scan can help to release tension in the body and mind, which can promote feelings of relaxation and calm

  • Improved sleep quality: By focusing on the body and releasing tension, the body scan can help to improve sleep quality, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep

  • Reduced insomnia: The relaxation and improved sleep quality that comes from the body scan can help to reduce symptoms of insomnia, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

  • Reduced stress: The body scan can help to reduce stress by promoting relaxation, which can help to reduce the release of stress hormones in the body

  • Improved emotional well-being: The body scan can help to improve emotional well-being by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression

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