Elite Performance

Elite athletes are particularly susceptible to inadequate sleep.


50%–78% elite athletes experience sleep disturbance & 22%–26% suffer highly disordered sleep.

Is your team ready to reach it's full potential?

Why invest in sleep?
What we offer
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Athletes commonly suffer from:

Insufficient Sleep

Poor sleep quality

Difficulty getting to sleep

Sleep dissatisfaction

Daytime fatigue

Impact of better sleep on physical performance

Insufficient sleep has a detrimental effect on physical performance, while improved sleep strategies can have significant benefits, including: 

  • Faster reaction times.
  • Improved skill execution.
  • Better decision-making.
  • Faster sprints.
  • Better endurance.
  • Higher jump velocity.
  • Improved accuracy.

Why should companies
invest in sleep?

Health & Wellness: The benefits and ROI for businesses investing in sleep for their employees wellbeing, The Sleep Project
Increased Productivity: The benefits and ROI for businesses investing in sleep for their employees wellbeing, The Sleep Project
Reduced sickness & absenteeism: The benefits and ROI for businesses investing in sleep for their employees wellbeing, The Sleep Project
Mental Health: The benefits and ROI for businesses investing in sleep for their employees wellbeing, The Sleep Project
Staff retention: The benefits and ROI for businesses investing in sleep for their employees wellbeing, The Sleep Project

Why our solutions work!


Our Workplace Sleep Analysis ensures it's tailored to your business

Doctor Led

Highly experienced clinicians
Evidence based practice ensured

Engaging Content

Designed to fit around busy lives
and schedules

Fully Supported

Individual, group & bespoke support
all available as required

Whether your goal is to enhance athletic performance, reduce injury recovery time, or improve overall well-being, The Sleep Project's offerings are designed to deliver noticeable results.

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How can we support your business?

Recharge Your Business
With Better Sleep!

The Triple "A" Approach:

a step-by-step plan


Expert led Seminars and Workshops:

Raise awareness about the importance of sleep in life and in the workplace. Build engagement in healthy sleep habits


Workplace Sleep Analysis:

Find out how many of your employees have insufficient or poor quality sleep, and the cause of their sleep problem. We provide workplace data on the actual economic benefit your company could expect from addressing their sleep needs


Plan of action: 

Bespoke sleep solution for the sleep needs of your company. Online digital programmes, focused workshops (maternity package, shift work, frequent travellers), bespoke support

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